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"I'm ok."

Writer's picture: Laura MeadeLaura Meade

Updated: Mar 10, 2023

First post. First time blogging. Where to start?

While it feels odd not to tell you my story chronologically, I feel it is important to tell you my "why".

  1. "I am crazy." While I hate that word, I feel it is the easiest way for those of us with mental health "issues" to understand.

  2. I am a PSYCHIATRIC NURSE PRACTITIONER. I take care of patients with all diagnoses; depression, anxiety, PTSD, bipolar, borderline, substance use disorder, schizophrenia, and the list goes on and on.

  3. I struggle with my mental health on the daily. Yes, you read that right. Back to #2: I help patients with their mental health "issues" WHILE struggling with my own. How can I not have all the answers and still be struggling with my mental health when that is what I do for a living? I am HUMAN.

  4. I am always looking for ways to help others with mental health, not just my patients. Mental health awareness is important to me. If it ends up being therapeutic for me, that would be a cool. If not, hopefully it will help you, and bonus if my struggle/stories can make you smile and//or laugh.

How are you?
I'm ok.

This is my favorite conversation to have. Am I ok? No. But what am I supposed to say?

Pretty shitty. I haven't slept because my anxiety won't let me shut my brain off to fall sleep.
Struggling. I hate myself and I don't know why.
Crappy. My fingers hurt from picking the skin around my fingernails until they bleed because my anxiety is through the roof.
Bad; I just want to curl up in bed all day and sleep and // or cry.

Yeah, somehow I don't think that is what they are really asking. But, I have always had an issue with people asking "how are you?". It isn't REALLY them wanting to know how you are. It is more of a formality.

You're supposed to say, "Good! Thanks. How are you?". That is what we were taught right? But why? Why do we ask someone how they are when we don't really want to know?

I don't have the answer for that. What I do know is that I have made it a point to really ASK my friends, patients, and family how they are REALLY doing. Also, I have started responding to the question more honestly. I have been surprised at the love and support I have received since I changed the way I respond.

My most recent responses to friends include:

Struggling mentally. Just tired, overwhelmed, stressed. I just don't feel like doing anything.
Crappy honestly. Depression sucks.

Why did I start doing that? Do I want attention? Nope. But, if I am honest about my mental health struggles then I know my friends, family and patients will know that I am someone they can come to when they are struggling.

Reverse psychology in a way. Except, it is really just me NORMALIZING talking about our mental health.

It is important.

For today, that's all I have. I will leave you with a fun fact about me: music is therapeutic to me and I listen to music that no one in my family really likes because obviously, they have crappy taste in music.

But, here's a song related to my blog for today. Enjoy! (Or don't, that's up to you and your taste in music.)

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Debbie Franke Huggins
Debbie Franke Huggins
Aug 22, 2020

Wow Laura we could be twins. Thank you for being so honest. My thoughts are like your thoughts. We are too hard on ourselves. Oh and I bet our fingers look alike from picking at them constantly. I can’t wait to read more posts. I feel less lonely now that I see how others struggle.


Aug 17, 2020

I’m so proud to have a daughter that’s as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. Your honesty is such an inspiration to others. Keep up the wonderful job you’re doing. Love you to the moon!


Deirdre Novack
Deirdre Novack
Aug 16, 2020

Laura, I love your honesty. Hopefully more people will figure out you don’t have to give the programmed answer “I’m good”. I’m learning who I can be honest with and who I give the standard answer to. Given the busy life you lead, you are doing an amazing job!❤️❤️


Sarah Webber
Sarah Webber
Aug 16, 2020

Great job and great first post especially! Please give me your honest responses- we will tackle them 💪🏽 I love when patients give honest, detailed answers so we know what we’re working with. But yes, most people aren’t prepared for the truth or it’s not the most comfortable setting to talk about those feelings in. My today is ehh- I have to stay busy or the “what should I do?” and “I hate this” will weigh me down. Love you and appreciate you!

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